How To Master The Art Of Chart Pattern Trading Strategy

How To Master The Art Of Chart Pattern Trading Strategy

Chart pattern trading is by far the most effective way to make money in the online trading industry. If you have a look at the novice traders, you will realize that most of them don’t have the skills to deal with the major chart pattern. In general, they take their trades by using the indicators and EAs. But to make regular profit in the ETF trading industry, a trader should learn to trade this market with the major chart pattern. Though it will seem a very tough task today we are going to give you some advanced tips.

Now let’s learn some of the key technique by which the professional traders deals with the major chart pattern in Forex market. If you wish to succeed as a trader, make sure you follow these rules.

Selecting the trading instrument

As a professional chart pattern trader, you should select the major currency

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Top 3 Gadgets That Are Necessary For Our Daily Lives

Top 3 Gadgets That Are Necessary For Our Daily Lives

Consider the equipment you couldn’t survive without.

From the mobile phone, which you constantly check every minute, to the camera, which you take with you on every vacation and adventure, to the TV, which acts as a gateway to other dimensions of life.

Technology plays an important role in our lives, and many of us may find it difficult to remember a time when mobile devices and other gadgets were not commonplace.

Not in the distant past, the cleverest gadgets our households had was an ice dispenser inside or refrigerators.

Thankfully, housebound gadgetry now has the intelligence it needs.

So, while you continue to make a mess of yourself on the couch, you could use your mobile device to communicate to a speaker to turn the heat down or turn off the washing machine.

The devices we use to consume information or carry out daily activities, whether it’s a television …

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5 Visible Effects of Technology on The Fast-Food Industry

5 Visible Effects of Technology on The Fast-Food Industry

There is almost no market globally that technology does not have a constant effect on. The changes in the fast-food industry that has been caused by technology cannot be overlooked.

Everything is now easier and with the click of a button, you only need to sit back and your favourite fast food will be delivered to your doorstep. There are various apps that you can order food on. Check for reviews and opinions on such apps.

A lot of food and drink companies have had to change their mode of operation because of technology. Everything has been made easy. Although, a lot of people have been losing their jobs because of artificial intelligence. The positive effects that technology has on the industry are as follows.

1.     Food Waste:

Before technology, people used to waste 30-40% of the food. Now with modern technology, this has greatly been reduced. Now, …

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How Secure Is Your Mobile Phone?

How Secure Is Your Mobile Phone?

Mobile phones are gradually becoming human best friends with all of their life activities synchronised to it. For a lot of people, details on their smartphones are very confidential and cannot be seen by any other person. The question of security is therefore a very valid one.

In reality, US-Reviews says there is no 100% secure phone as security layers are still being produced year in and out. Hackers seem to find their ways about it always. So mobile devices security is constantly ongoing. Even prominent figures also suffer the same security fate as they do not have specially designed mobiles to themselves. 

Some reasons why security is paramount are

Some mobile devices are connected to people’s businesses; a breach of security could lead to the business crashing.

Personal data and information stored on phones are liable to be exposed.

US phone repair services review tells that hackers could use …

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What Determines The Loading Speed Of a Website on WordPress?

The loading speed of a website depends on several factors, and each of them can be accelerated as far as possible.

Website page weight

The weight of HTML pages also affects loading speed – heavy pages with complex functionality and heavy media will take a long time to load. To make the page not so heavy, you can customize HTML elements with CSS, use media compression, configure caching, minify the page code.

You can read more about this in the article «How to reduce website weight and speed up page loading»: gzip, brotli, minification and other methods.


Redirects slow down speed – the server connects to one page, receives a redirect response, and navigates to another page. If your website contains many 301 redirects, check for traffic sources. In some cases, you might be better off replacing the redirect link to the destination page.

Redirects from HTTP to HTTPS …

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