3 Tight Strategies to Secure Your Cloud-Hosted Website
The last few years have witnessed tons of enterprises around the globe migrating to the cloud. Thanks to the benefits and advantages provided by the cloud as well as the efforts taken by enterprises of all segments and marketers to push cloud as a staple diet for 2020 and beyond.
However, a recent survey states otherwise. It is observed that many enterprises jumped the cloud bandwagon without putting too much thought into their IT strategy and bore the brunt of it in return. As a result, a lot of enterprises began ‘unclouding’ or rather returning to their safe on-ground premises. While doing so, it is learned that these enterprises ended up making huge amounts of data loss, that too without taking a backup on their cloud servers. Sounds stupid, doesn’t it? More than sounding stupid, it is also sad how enterprises don’t think such things through and end up making …
3 Tight Strategies to Secure Your Cloud-Hosted Website Read More