Network Cabling - Plexxi's Latest Discovery Facing the Market

Network Cabling – Plexxi’s Latest Discovery Facing the Market

Even though Plexxi was only officially established in early 2011, Plexxi has been operating in stealth mode for the past few years, cooking new and amazing technological inventions. Their newest product on the market can provide a reason for network cabling companies to pause, because this is the first step to move away from reliance on cables in the network.

Plexxi is a networking technology company started in Cambridge, MA and with additional office in Nashua, NH. They currently have 56 employees, are in the process of hiring more, and are looking to open an office in San Francisco in 2013. Though still a start up company, they have already raised $48.8 million from Matrix Partners and North Bridge Venture Partners in venture capital. Their first products were just launched to the commercial market last week, but they have had pilot customers testing merchandise since September, with solid reviews. Two …

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Protect Like Never Before: Firewall Technology Today

Firewall technology has been developed so that the internet world and community can get to protect their online resources. Computers will always be prone to attack every time they are connected to the internet through a network or directly. The firewall works by blocking any form of malware from affecting the network and computers. Malwares get problematical from day to day since hackers will always device many methods to infiltrate networks. They make it possible for hackers to change data, have unauthorized use of the computer, steal data and even damage the computer or network. Malware continually scans a computer or network to find vulnerable areas. This is a serious threat to online businesses and resources which continue to suffer losses since the malware will either bring down websites, will use information stolen against the business or to detriment of the business or will perpetrate fraud against the business and …

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