Nordic Finance Service Providers Deal With Tech Innovations In The Payment Sector
SWIFT held a Nordics Business Forum— a webinar that scrutinized how the financial services sector in the region can be technologically innovative while taking care of the emergent risk factors.

The 2019 SWIFT Business Forum Nordics went down in Copenhagen where Cate Kemp, the firm’s Head of UK, Ireland and Nordics, pointed out that the financial services sector is moving into “unchartered territory.”
Regardless of the services you offer in the finance industry; consumer demands have risen than ever before. Service providers are ensuring new customer experiences with evolving tech that add further value to existing financial procedures, though regulations like PSD2 are also coming into play.
Though these are thrilling times, Kemp pointed out that some of the tech advancements can be threatening to the financial world if used maliciously or destructively. The seminar’s theme was to discuss how to seize the existing opportunities as we near the fourth …
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